What Ingredients To Look For In Dog Joint Supplements

By Janet L. Tomlinson on February 22, 2024

Senior Staff Writer

Dogs are our best friends and truly a part of our family. And of course, we only want the best for them throughout their lives. But sadly, if a dog is in pain, they don’t always know how to tell us.

Very similar to humans when we advance in age, dogs develop arthritis and experience excruciating joint pain in areas like their knees, hocks, elbows, shoulders and hips. Dogs experience these ailments irrespective of their lifestyle — this is because they are part of the natural aging process and mainly stem from cartilage wearing out.

The underlying occurrence that is cartilage, which is present in joints to ease movement becomes thinner due to constant motion and then exposes the bones. The bones then grind against each other, causing excruciating pain and severe inflammation. This condition is referred to as arthritis and can cause extreme discomfort and pain.